New Paper on Cannabis Genetics and Aroma

FORT COLLINS, Colorado, October 28, 2022 – A new paper finds that genetically variant cannabis samples smell different than genetically consistent samples of the same strain. The paper, by Headspace Sensory founder Avery N. Gilbert, Ph.D. and researchers from the University of Northern Colorado, opens a new path toward understanding variability in cannabis aroma. 

“We know that strains have distinctive aroma profiles,” says Gilbert. “What this work demonstrates is that relatively minor genetic differences can alter that profile.”  

The research was part of a doctoral dissertation by lead author Anna Schwabe. She and her colleagues at UNC analyzed the cannabis samples for genetic consistency using 10 variable microsatellite DNA markers. Based on these results, samples were selected for odor evaluation by 55 sensory panelists in work carried out by Headspace Sensory’s Gilbert.

“The sensory results confirmed yet again that certain strain aroma profiles are consistent,” says Gilbert. “They also show that within-strain odor anomalies can be detected by untrained panelists.” According to Gilbert, the results highlight a need for the industry to involve consumers in a conversation about product quality, consistency, and sensory aesthetics.

The study was published online today in the open-access, peer-reviewed scientific journal Frontiers in Psychology. Copies can be downloaded here.

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